After you express your opinion, let's look at some data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and understand the overview trend.
Using BLS dataset Educational Attainment for Workers 25 years and older by detailed occupation
I looked at 22 industry by detailed education in 2010-2015 along with their salary information
I divided my analysis into three parts
1. Overview of the labor market ; 2. Changes for Specific occupation; 3. Animation along with salary data
First, let's look at the overall trend of three educational levels.
Note: College Degrees or Higher = Bachelor, Master, Doctor/Professional; High School to College = Some college but no degree, associate; High School or Lower = High School, Less than High School
You can select from 252 occupations and see the changes over time
Please select by occupation. After you select a specific occupation, you will be able to see the trend overtime on the right side, and the total number on the left side by three levels of educaiton.
Does higher education means more chances to get hired? Does that also give you well-paid jobs?